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BOB BELKNAP                        

Father, Founder of The Every Sunday Project, Coach, Public Speaker


In 2001 a baby girl named Elizabeth was born in Texas. She didn’t have a safe place to live, so five days later she was placed in a foster home,  Janice’s and my  home in Houston. Two years later, Elizabeth’s sister, Rachel, was born in the same situation - and ended up in the same place, united with her sister.


Opening our home to these two girls transformed my life and inspired me to make a big change. I decided to not only adopt Elizabeth and Rachel, but to also end my corporate career to pursue a new one: full-time Dad.


That was almost two decades ago. Since then, I devoted myself to understanding not only what my daughters need from me, but also what every daughter needs from her dad. But here’s the thing: I don’t always know what they need, and I don’t always get it right.


THE EVERY SUNDAY PROJECT isn't the story of a perfect dad, or of a perfect family. It didn’t come from a PhD research project. It came from my desire to be a good dad and from my lived experience raising daughters. It came from knowing too many women who had lousy dads, and the toll it took on their lives.


My relationships with Elizabeth and Rachel aren’t perfect either. From the outside looking in, you may see arguments, sometimes chaos, many trials and tribulations, and moments of desperation when I have no idea what to do next. We’re navigating it together, me and two aspiring adults in their late teens and early twenties. Someone who knows us well said we are three forces of nature, conspiring to be a family - the ebb and flow is real.


You would also find a foundation of love. Beyond the day-to-day frustrations and sometimes heartbreaking moments, I am relentless about this one thing: The love never stops. There is no situation where I won't support them if I can. And when all else fails, and I have no idea what to do next, I keep loving them. And I’m still asking women their best memory of their dad.


Besides fostering The Every Sunday Project and spending time with my daughters, I am also a business coach, life coach, parenting coach, and advocate for fathers and daughters. I am a lifetime outdoor enthusiast, lifetime learner, skier, pilot, artist, Texan, and leader. Today I live with Elizabeth and Rachel in Louisville, CO.


BS Civil Engineering, University of Texas, El Paso

MA Psychology, University of Santa Monica

Extensive training in coaching, leadership, shadow work, and Landmark Worldwide

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Bob Belknap Sr.  1932-2022

My dad. Growing up he didn't tell us to do things the right way, he did them the right way and let us watch. He didn't take short cuts or look for the easy way out. He was a good dad, good human, role model, friend, and my co-pilot through life. He loved my adopted daughters like they were his own. Thanks for everything dad, I miss you every day.

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